Earning stats of my first paid story on Medium
It ain’t much but it’s something
For the longest time, getting into the Medium partner program was “THE DREAM” which did not show any sign of being materialized since I technically live in country which does not support Stripe.
But you know what worked?
My partner who recently migrated to Australia, opening a Stripe account with his information and applying for the Partner program from there itself!
And boy wasn’t I happy to finally get in!
Getting that confirmation email from Medium made me motivated in ways I never expected, giving me one more reason why I should never stop writing.
So I wrote my first ‘paywalled article’ (if we can call it that).
And earning my first 8 cents never felt this good!
I was thrilled when I started earning. It did not matter how much that was, it meant that I’m capable of adding yet another revenue stream into my life, especially by doing something I love.
So, I accepted what I received with open arms and a heart full of gratitude!
After a few days 8 cents became $1.10 and now it’s as follows,