Earning stats of my first paid story on Medium

It ain’t much but it’s something

Mindy Pattinson
2 min readDec 3, 2023
It’s a journey of ups and downs

For the longest time, getting into the Medium partner program was “THE DREAM” which did not show any sign of being materialized since I technically live in country which does not support Stripe.

But you know what worked?

My partner who recently migrated to Australia, opening a Stripe account with his information and applying for the Partner program from there itself!

And boy wasn’t I happy to finally get in!

Getting that confirmation email from Medium made me motivated in ways I never expected, giving me one more reason why I should never stop writing.

So I wrote my first ‘paywalled article’ (if we can call it that).

And earning my first 8 cents never felt this good!

I was thrilled when I started earning. It did not matter how much that was, it meant that I’m capable of adding yet another revenue stream into my life, especially by doing something I love.

So, I accepted what I received with open arms and a heart full of gratitude!

After a few days 8 cents became $1.10 and now it’s as follows,



Mindy Pattinson
Mindy Pattinson

Written by Mindy Pattinson

I write about anything and everything that interests me! Always open for suggestions and feedback!

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